
How to zip a file in Linux Ubuntu

Click here to find out more about how to zip a file in linux ubuntu.

On a Windows machine, create a zip file is very easy: you right click on a file or folder, open "Send" menu and click on "compressed ZIP folder". Or can be used as archiver 7-Zip or WinRAR latest archiver. Its interface is quite self-explanatory and easy to use.

But sometimes, you need to create a .zip file on a Linux machine. This is necessary when a web site backup, before downloading lots of files and other tasks.

If you are looking for articles about how to zip a file in linux ubuntu. Here we will give you the info you need. This article provides information about how to zip a file in linux ubuntu to assist you. Therefore, we see the following information more.

how to zip a file in linux ubuntu tips for you:

So, how to zip a file in linux ubuntu? We'll tell you what you need to know. So make sure you read the info we provide you with good, because there are things that you should consider.

Please click on the icon of "Dash". Type "terminal" in the search box. Click the "Terminal" application icon.

To create zip files in Ubuntu Linux at the command line type:

zip -r archive-name directory-name

This will create the file named 'file-name.zip' and adds name of directory, including all subdirectories.

For example, to create a file in /home/user/www directory, run the following command:

zip - r./www1.zip /home/user/www

This creates the www1.zip file in the current directory and add the contents of the /home/user/www including all subdirectories to this archive.

That's how to zip a file in linux ubuntu for you. Now you know the how to zip a file in linux ubuntu so you can do it, and don't forget, here you can find a variety of other information. So we could give tips, hopefully can help and useful to all of you ...